GB Investment Road Show 2023 concludes in Islamabad

The picturesque landscapes and abundant investment opportunities of Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) took center stage as the GB Investment Road Show 2023 concluded in Islamabad.

This prestigious event witnessed by dignitaries, ambassadors, Federal Cabinet members, representatives of the Special Investment Facilitation Cell, Governor, Chief Minister GB, and participants from diverse sectors such as tourism, IT, power, agriculture, mining, and food security.

The event addressed by Caretaker Minsiter Fawad Hassan Fawad, Govoner Gilgit Baltistan Syed Mehdi Shah, Chief Minister Haji Dilbar Khan and other speakers.

The event served as a platform for the GB government to showcase the attractive incentives available to investors across these sectors. GB, often referred to as the “Land of Opportunities,” presented a compelling case for investment, emphasizing its strategic geographical location, natural resources, and rapidly evolving infrastructure.

The road show garnered significant interest from the private sector, with numerous businesses and investors expressing a keen desire to participate in the economic development of GB.

The event’s resounding success underlined the potential of the region as a thriving hub for diverse investment opportunities.

In a statemewnt, The Chief Seretary Gilgit Baltistan Muhiyyudin Wani said that this event was just the beginning of a promising journey. He said GB government is committed to sustaining the momentum, with plans to make the “GB Invest” theme an annual event, enabling continuous follow-up on the initiatives and facilitating a smoother transition for prospective investors.

He said GB continues to unlock its potential and embrace a new era of growth, we invite the business community to explore the boundless possibilities that this region offers. He said together, we can shape the future of GB and create mutually beneficial opportunities for investors and the local population.

Source: Radio Pakistan